--welcome --acknowledgement Please Visit Website For Detailed Acknowledgement: www.fairwissenschaft.co.uk www.fairwissenschaft.eu www.fairwissenschaft.com www.fairwissenschaft.net www.fairwissenschaft.org **Beware of fakes --copyright Copyright © 2023 onwards fairwissenschaft and Shradha Mukherjee. All rights reserved. Each piece of the visuals, text and audio content within this compilation is crafted by its respective author(s), and proper citations have been credited to original sources. To maintain authenticity, external visuals and audio were sourced only if they were openly available and free for commercial use, or after necessary purchase of licenses for commercial use. Same applies for video, audio, text and image editing software. Artificial intelligence (AI) generated visuals are clearly marked as such. The voice-over in this presentation has been transformed from the original author's voices to those of AI technology, ensuring a consistent and modern touch. To get constructive feedback, three randomly selected AI Large Language Models (LLMs) were employed as a review system for the content generated by author(s), and the author(s) accommodated the suggestions, when and where possible. Thus the AI LLM as a review system, was used much like the academic practice of seeking peer review before publication of research manuscripts. The voice in this presentation, has been converted from author(s) original voice(s) to AI voice(s) purchased from Speechelo. --title Title: Bluescreen To Login or fairBluescreenToLogin: A computer basic tutorial for regaining access to Windows OS computer using GUI method or click, type and no code method Author: Shredder Mua Car G Location: Planet Earth Nicknames: Shredder, a supervillain for villains and Goldy, a superhero for heroes. Copyright © 2023 onwards fairwissenschaft and Shradha Mukherjee. All rights reserved. --part1 If you're dealing with a Windows computer that's acting up when starting up or displaying a stubborn blue screen, know that help is just a few steps away. Here's a straightforward approach for those without technical expertise - you don't need to delve into coding or complex calculations. --part2 So "Don't Panic"! At the end of this tutorial you will know the fix like the back of your hand! --part3 The secret lies in the simplicity of the method I'll walk you through to resolve the blue screen login issue - it's a Graphical User Interface (GUI) approach. With GUI, you don't have to navigate through Terminal or Command Line commands - it's all about straightforward clicks and typing, making it accessible to anyone, regardless of coding skills. --part4 Bill Gates's groundbreaking vision in GUI development played a crucial role in spreading computing, making it accessible to the everyone beyond the realm of IT specialists. In a 2007 address at All Things Digital conference, he famously stated that "we made this bet that the paradigm shift would be the graphics interface" - the Graphical User Interface (GUI). This revolutionary approach transformed the way computers were used, breaking down barriers and making them user-friendly for everyone. --part5 Jobs, Gates on Their Contributions to Technology | The Wall Street Journal | Youtube https://youtu.be/C8r5QDbw3-Y or Invidious https://invidious.privacyredirect.com/watch?v=C8r5QDbw3-Y --part6 Jobs, Gates on Their Contributions to Technology | The Wall Street Journal | Youtube https://youtu.be/C8r5QDbw3-Y or Invidious https://invidious.privacyredirect.com/watch?v=C8r5QDbw3-Y --part7 For a comprehensive look at the conversation, click here to access the full interview. In this discussion, both Steve Jobs and Bill Gates engage in a thoughtful exchange about their respective contributions to the tech landscape. Jobs pays tribute to Gates, praising his innovation for creating software and the groundbreaking graphics interface, or Graphical User Interface (GUI). --part8 Let's take a cue from their vision and see how to tackle the stuck blue screen login issue without coding. In this tutorial, I'll guide you on using GUI methods to resolve this problem. Keep in mind, not all blue screens are necessarily a cause for concern - the one we're concerned with is the 'Blue Screen of Death' or BSOD, the bad one that won't allow you login and access your Windows OS computer.The blue screen, Advanced Start-up or Advanced Options, and settings under Advanced Options, are useful blue screens. These are designed to help with startup and repair in Windows. --part9 In the Advanced Start-up section, also known as the Advanced Options, our focus will be on utilizing the Universal Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)- a modern upgrade to the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) of Windows OS computers. I'll show you how to configure this UEFI or BIOS to boot from an USB containing Windows OS software, a straightforward process to get your system up and running again. --part10 Unfortunately, since the computer is stuck in the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD), accessing Unified Extensible Firmware Interface UEFI by the usual route through the Windows OS won't do. This usual route to access Unified Extensible Firmware Interface UEFI, uses the following sequence: Login to computer, search 'Recovery Options' within the Startup Menu, navigate to Advanced Start-Up, select 'Choose Options,' then 'Troubleshooting,' and finally, the 'Advanced Options' From 'Advanced Options' there, we would be able to locate and access the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) in a normal working Windows OS. --part11 We need to Power On the computer by 'pressing power button' and 'releasing Power button' when computer starts powering on. Then immediately 'press the Hotkey without releasing it' until the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface UEFI screen shows up. Please note that the Hotkey is different for different computer manufacturers. --part12 In most cases, the hotkey to initiate the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface UEFI screen is Del, F2, F10, F12, or Esc, depending on the computer's brand. Right after booting, there might be a notification with the specific key to use. However, its always best to double-check with a reliable source, like a search engine. For instance, if you're using an MSI laptop, the search phrase would be 'MSI windows hotkey bios uefi', replacing 'MSI' with the actual name of your manufacturer, will enable you to find the specific hotkey unique to your device. ASUS: F2, DEL or Delete Acer: F2, F8, F9, Esc, DEL or Delete Dell: F12 HP: F1, F9, Esc, F10 Lenovo: F12, F8, F10 MSI: DEL or Delete Microsoft Surface Tablets: Volume Up Samsung: F2 Toshiba: F2 --part13 Once in the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface UEFI, navigate the options using keyboard UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, ESC to Exit, and press Enter Return key to accept. Set USB containing Windows OS as Boot 1 option, 'Disable Fast Boot' , 'Disable Secure Boot' and 'Save and Reset' Thereafter, 'Power On' the computer normally without pressing any Hotkey, while having the Windows OS containing USB plugged in, and select 'Repair Windows'. Next choose Troubleshooting under Choose Options. Thereafter, under Advanced Start-up or Advanced Options choose the 'System Restore' option. --part14edited Now choose any 'restore point', choose one before the computer Blue Screen Of Death BSOD problems started, let computer finish 'System restore', 'Click Restart' or 'Power Off' and remove Windows OS installation media USB. Now wait for a few minuites for computer to 'Restart' or 'Power On' automatically, but if it does not 'Restart' or 'Power On' automatically, then press 'Power button' to turn on computer. --part15 Now when we 'Power On' our computer, the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) should disappear, allowing us to return to usual activities. Its essential to communicate with your IT department about the incident, so they're aware of the problem. Avoid repeating any actions that might have triggered the hang-up, such as updating, installing, uninstalling, or clicking on unfamiliar links. --part16 Assuming you're in a situation where you don't have a Windows OS installation media USB, you may be wondering how to acquire one. Let's cover that. If your Windows OS computer is giving you the infamous Blue Screen of Death (BSOD), you'll need a working secondary device where you can login, an internet connection, and a free 16GB or larger USB drive. It's worth noting that even if your USB is not empty, you can still use it for this purpose, as long as you're okay with losing any data that's currently on it. --part17 Now assuming the Windows OS is not working, it leaves you with two options, a Mac OS computer or a Canonical Ubuntu OS or other Linux OS computer. The Mac OS or Ubuntu OS system can be from a dual boot computer that has these operating systems along with Windows OS. Dual boot is an unique arrangement that shields the other operating system, like Mac OS or Ubuntu OS, from Windows-related issues. The operating systems run independently, so any issues with Windows OS does not affect the other operating systems. Despite being interconnected, dual booting means they share the same hardware components, like the sound card and Wi-Fi adapter of the computer, but they are independent software. --part18 Now, I will illustrate the method of creating Windows OS installation media USB on a Mac OS computer, but the steps are same for working Ubuntu OS computer. So login into the working computer and plug in the empty USB drive. Connect to the internet and open browser. Search and download the Windows OS ISO file, which is basically the Windows OS software. Search and download BelenaEtcher software which will be used to write the Windows OS ISO files to the USB drive. Beware of fake websites spreading malware claimimg to be balenaEtcher and Windows. The authentic sites for opensource free balenaEtcher are https://github.com/balena-io/etcher and https://etcher.balena.io. The authentic site for Windows is https://www.microsoft.com and then click 'software download'. --part19 Now write the Windows ISO files on the empty USB drive using belenaEtcher software. When the writing process is complete, 'Power Off' the computer and 'remove the USB'. This USB, which now contains Windows OS software, can now be used to fix the Blue Screen Of Death BSOD error as described before. This USB containing Windows OS files, is called Windows OS installer media or Windows OS installer USB media. This belenaEtcher protocol works on any computer, be it Windows, Mac or Ubuntu Linux. --part20 In this video, not only do I demonstrate a solution for Windows startup and login problems, but I also convey the benefits of having either Mac OS or Ubuntu OS as a dual boot alongside Windows OS. For those starting with a Mac, the 'BootCamp Assistant' on your system offers an easy path to install and dual boot with Windows OS. All you need is the Windows ISO. Thereafter, Mac allows to choose your operating system at boot time – simply press 'Option' after pressing the 'Power button' when turning on the computer. Alternatively, if you're a Mac user, you can also use reFind an open source free software to switch between Windows and Mac OS during startup. Beware of fake websites spreading malware claimimg to be reFind. The authentic sites for opensource free reFind are https://sourceforge.net/projects/refind and https://www.rodsbooks.com/refind --part21 If your computer is originally a Windows, with Windows OS then you can dual boot Ubuntu OS using Ubuntu OS installation media USB, and you will only need the Ubuntu OS ISO file and an empty USB. Beware of fake websites spreading malware claimimg to be Ubuntu OS, the authentic website for Ubuntu OS is https://ubuntu.com and https://ubuntu.com/download. Making a Ubuntu OS installer USB media, is same as making a Windows OS installer USB media, only difference is you'll need to use a Ubuntu OS iso instead of Windows OS iso. For Ubuntu OS dual boot with Windows OS, at startup the computer offers choice to load Ubuntu OS or Windows OS. Also, it offers direct option to load BIOS or UEFI Firmware Settings irrespective of computer manufacturer, and does not requre any Hotkeys. Ergo, a dual Windows OS and Ubuntu OS computer, provides a uniform access to BIOS or UEFI Firmware Settings, and thereby circumvents the variability and confusion caused for Windows OS users of different Hotkeys for different computer manufacturers. --part22 The dual operating system scenario, whether its Ubuntu OS or Mac OS alongside Windows OS, ensures constant functionality. Just as a cricket team has two batsmen on the field with one or the other batting, while the other waits on the other side of the pitch for turn to bat, with dual boot of two operating systems on your computer, you choose which operating system turns on or 'bats' at startup, while the other operating system stays shut down until you choose it to turn on or 'bat' at startup. Example for Dual boot Windows OS and Ubuntu OS, you can choose to turn on either one at startup and thats the one that will turn on or 'bat'. Root Begins Series with Century! | Highlights - England v Australia Day 1 | 2023 | England & Wales Cricket Board | Youtube https://youtu.be/0kOV0vBsaoE Ashes-cricket | Britannica https://www.britannica.com/sports/Ashes-cricket --part23 'Never say never, but its extremely rare, that cybersecurity and functionality of Ubuntu OS or Mac OS and Windows OS, all fail simultaneously -- using cricket analogy this would be like two batsmen getting out in the same ball in cricket, in any one ball only a maximum of one batsman gets out or else they stay on batting. So its highly recommended for functionality and security to dual boot Windows OS with Mac OS or Ubuntu OS. Root Begins Series with Century! | Highlights - England v Australia Day 1 | 2023 | England & Wales Cricket Board | Youtube https://youtu.be/0kOV0vBsaoE Ashes-cricket | Britannica https://www.britannica.com/sports/Ashes-cricket --part24 I trust this troubleshooting guide aids you in resolving the distressing Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) problem on your Windows PC. In case of significant updates or cyber threats rendering your computer unresponsive, this protocol is a reliable safeguard. In this video, I've detailed every step to fix the BSOD and any other Windows OS issues by reverting the system back to a stable working condition. For a comprehensive, hour-long explanation, consider watching the extended version of this tutorial.